Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thursday July 20, 2006

I again woke up with increased weakness in my legs. I could barely walk without any support. Today my whole family came to visit. I had scheduled for today a bone scan, spinal tap, EEG, and another high contrast MRI. I had to drink the HORRIBLE contrast. It was so so so nasty. I cried, but my family helped make me laugh and get me through this. I did. Then I told the doctors that I'm not going to drink that crap again. If they wanted the contrast, they had to find some other way to get it in me. In the MRI they found another spot in my shoulder.
The spinal tap was interesting. I've never had one before. Dr Bushay was so good. My dad sat and watched him. He said that he has never seen a doctor have such a steady hand. Thank goodness. Honestly I don't remember how it felt. I just knew I was scared, but my dad was there to help keep my calm.
Today was a busy day with visitors too!! My mom, dad, sister Sabrina with her baby Shaelynn stayed all day. Randy brought the boys up for the first time. Man do I miss them terribly!! Also Serena and her daughter Bronwen came. All of them at the same time along with my friends Beth Brock, and Andrea Coon. Also Scott and Rob from Southwest Airlines, Randy's bosses!! It was SO nice to see everyone. I didn't complain at all.
Later tonight my oldest sister, Jen and my neice Alex, flew in.
I have to tell you that Randy's work, Southwest Airlines, flew all my family in from Utah and California AND gave them a rental car and hotel!! Randy and I knew that Southwest was a good we KNOW they are!!! Amazing! They are very well known for treating every employee like's true.
My mom and I keep walking the halls. I don't want to loose ALL my strength. To be honest I can barely do it, but I keep thinking positive thoughts. Really I hold onto that walker and just hold up my legs. It's hard to see my strength leaving so quickly.

My nieces Alex and Shaelynn

Cameron and Shaelynn in the minivan!! So cute!!!

At the can tell they are having fun!!

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